Mixed unsegregated waste – to – Hydrogen & Captured CO2
Hope Resources, with a wealth of innovative environmental project delivery behind it, is introducing Vacuum Reforming to the UK. The process converts almost any waste stream, including mixed unsegregated waste streams, MSW for instance, into cold clean tar free Syngas with zero emissions. The Syngas can then be further processed, separated, into Fuel Cell grade Hydrogen and Captured CO2.
Vacuum Reforming eliminates the requirement for a chimney/stack in the thermal treatment of waste products. The process removes all tars leaving cold clean Syngas and clean ash – ( if biomass is used the produced ‘ash’ can be used as a soil enhancer }.
Hope Resources is currently establishing the first UK Vacuum Reforming project. Hope is interested to speak with, and perhaps partner with, Hydrogen users/vendors. The first implementation will be producing green fuel cell grade Hydrogen from waste Biomass to help stimulate the growth in Hydrogen for transport before moving to mixed unsegregated Waste to Hydrogen.
Localised production of:
Clean tar free Syngas – for direct energy use
Fuel Cell Grade Hydrogen (Industrial grade also optional)
Carbon Dioxide (grade can be specified)
Mixed waste, zero emission, energy recovery
Green Hydrogen production from Biomass
Energy as a Service