Newcastle University

Newcastle University has a diverse range of hydrogen related research activities including hydrogen production from methane and catalysis, biomass and hydrogenases. We have several experts investigating carbon capture and storage technologies such as CO2 mineralisation, gas separation sorbents/ membranes, chemical looping for​ CCUS, reservoir capacity and geomechanics​. Another area of research intensity is hydrogen end-uses, particular in the transport domain including maritime and ports, rail and intelligent autonomous transport systems. Lastly, Newcastle University has a strong focus on whole systems integration of hydrogen and energy systems through modelling and digital innovation. The Hydrogen Integration for Accelerated Energy Transmissions (HI-ACT) ​Hub aims to develop a better understanding of the potential pathways for integrating hydrogen into future energy use.​ Please contact to find out more about the hydrogen specialisms within Newcastle University.

Products and Services

InTEGReL​ – Led by Northern Gas Networks, the UK’s first multi-vector integrated energy systems research and demonstration facility investigating utility scale infrastructure including hydrogen blending. RAF Leeming Living Lab – This project is developing full scale experiments, exploring the application of cutting-edge solar technology, carbon sequestration techniques and geothermal, hydrogen and electric as potential energy sources for the RAF Leeming base. Expected 5G Connected & Automated Logistics Centre for Excellence Smart Grid Laboratory – The Smart Grid Lab and Energy Storage Test Bed are unique grid-connected facilities that enable investigation of future energy systems at Newcastle Helix. We are home to AIMPRO. This modelling technique calculates the structural, electrical, optical, and mechanical properties of molecules. Techniques such as AIMPRO study Defect Engineering, which uses quantum-chemical methods to analyse dopants and other defects in crystalline materials to predict their optical, electronic, and other properties

Contact information

Rhiannon Lamb