Auriga Energy Limited

Auriga Energy has developed innovative hydrogen fuel cell systems for application in a variety of
applications including marine transport, materials handling and stationary power.

Products and Services

• Auriga Energy has developed fuel cell systems for a combined UPS/back-up power systems.
AurigaGen UPS/Backup power system is deployed in a 19” rack cabinet and installed inside buildings and office areas.

• The Company’s AurigaGen FL power unit for pallet loader, type iii forklifts. The AurigaGen FL
responds to the need to increase productivity by replacing batteries in pallet-loader forklifts
operating inside warehouses and retail premises.

• The AurigaGen 1500 portable generator is designed to provide clean power in a variety of
applications, including the construction and events industries.

• Auriga Energy’s next generation AurigaGen Fuel Cell module provides the building block for a
variety of applications including marine and road transport and stationary generators.

Contact information

Jas Singh, Managing Director,