SFA (Oxford) is a company of consulting analysts in tomorrow’s commodities and technologies.
We work with all sectors of the value chain covering Platinum Group Metals (PGMs), Battery Metals and Materials, Green Hydrogen and Fuel Cells. We have advised miners, processors, fabricators, end-users, investors and recyclers, by successfully undertaking complex assignments to augment their short- and long-term strategies, leading operational due diligence, and providing detailed market insights.
SFA (Oxford) is a trusted, reliable and credible partner working with hydrogen value chain players to help them navigate green hydrogen opportunities, clean energy transition, renewable energy potential, market threats and emerging zero-carbon technologies.
• The SFA (Oxford) team is a world-renowned authority on platinum-group metals intelligence and provides in-depth market research for automotive players, OEMs, hydrogen economy stakeholders, industrial users, energy users and ESG-conscious investors.
• SFA (Oxford) offers a flexible bespoke service and independent intelligence on the strategic metal markets, specifically tailored to the needs of each of our clients. With a particular focus on investment ideas’ generation and strategic opportunity capitalisation, we work in partnership and complete confidence.
• Our regular reporting covers distinct time slices to help understand where the critical metals fit as the hydrogen, fuel cell and energy markets develop:
• PGM Quarterly Market Report and Price Outlook; released every three months, this price riskfocused reports details impacting factors for platinum, palladium and rhodium – and separately for iridium and ruthenium – for the next three years.
• 2032 PGM Market Report and Price Outlook; released bi-annually, our highly detailed 10 year view provides current and long-term trends and influences acting on the global PGM markets.
• 2040 and 2050 Market Report and Price Outlook; ground breaking reports analysing the influences and trends relevant to the hydrogen and fuel cell markets
Formerly UK Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association.
We are the voice of UK hydrogen sector, bringing together representatives from the entire value chain to make the UK the best place for hydrogen.