Spotlight on… BOC

BOC, a Linde company, is the UK and Ireland’s largest provider of industrial gases and is leading the way to a greener future by helping its customers across sectors including industry, transport and off-grid power decarbonise operations using a range of proven technologies including hydrogen. The company has been safely producing hydrogen for over 100 years and operates seven hydrogen production plants, including the UK’s largest independently owned hydrogen production plant in Teesside, which provides essential gases including hydrogen to regional and national industry. 

Notable achievements to date 

In March this year, BOC’s Teesside Hydrogen CO₂ Capture project was selected by the UK Government to progress to the next phase of the DESNZ sequence clustering process to deliver low-carbon hydrogen. The project, part of the East Coast Cluster, will help put Teesside on the map for net zero technologies, by adding carbon capture technology to one of the UK’s largest hydrogen production facilities, which has the potential to capture over 200,000 tonnes of CO₂ per year. 

More recently, this summer BOC announced its key involvement in Phase 2 of the government’s Industrial Fuel Switching (IFS) Competition, as the preferred supplier of hydrogen to six selected projects. Having successfully shown the feasibility of hydrogen as a low-carbon alternative in the previous round of the competition, BOC will now support the demonstration of fuel switch solutions for industrial processes on broader industrial sites. In addition to supplying hydrogen, BOC will provide gas pressure control technology for the range of industrial processes selected, which include facilities recycling aluminium, and sites producing clay products, cereals and tissue paper across the UK. 

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